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Court incompetency


Well-known member
Hi all

Is it common for courts to be terrible with sending out correspondence and if so how do people navigate this?

I had an adjourned first hearing in February that I was told in person was to be rescheduled to end of this month. I only found out about the hearing via CAFASS as the court hadn’t sent out anything, they only sent it out the week of hearing once they were informed by CAFASS that both parties stated they never knew.

I called the national line to enquire about the hearing at the end of this month as I haven’t received any correspondence. Only to be told that the hearing is next week. It was officiated 2 weeks ago yet I still haven’t received anything. I assume the mother also has not received it.

The national line aren’t able to send out letters and the court phone has been ringing out. I sent an email and unlikely they’ll respond.

I am more than sure mother will not attend next week. If they manage to send anything out, it will be last minute. I also doubt they will send anything without being prompted and I cannot get in touch at the moment.

Will the hearing be adjourned again? These delays are extremely frustrating. I filed my C100 in December and nothing has been done.
Is it common for courts to be terrible with sending out correspondence and if so how do people navigate this?
I have had the same issue at my court. They email acknowledging receipt but say to expect a 10 day delay in replying because they haven't got enough people. The local number tells you to call the national number - who are completely useless. I still have the contact details from the Cafcass adviser - I asked how to deal with the communication issues with the court. What she did was to escalate my concerns to her manager who seems to have direct access to the court. In my case I put in the urgent application last Thursday requesting a hearing within 7 days. I was in contact with the Cafcass adviser on Friday and I got a call from the court this morning asking for the fee.

My advice is to involve Cafcass in the issue - don't bother hanging on the phone to the court for hours,
I have had the same issue at my court. They email acknowledging receipt but say to expect a 10 day delay in replying because they haven't got enough people. The local number tells you to call the national number - who are completely useless. I still have the contact details from the Cafcass adviser - I asked how to deal with the communication issues with the court. What she did was to escalate my concerns to her manager who seems to have direct access to the court. In my case I put in the urgent application last Thursday requesting a hearing within 7 days. I was in contact with the Cafcass adviser on Friday and I got a call from the court this morning asking for the fee.

My advice is to involve Cafcass in the issue - don't bother hanging on the phone to the court for hours,
It’s frustrating isn’t it.

Is it possible to reschedule a hearing that’s within the next week? Or do you reckon it would still be worth me going? I was told if mother doesn’t attend next hearing it would still move forward. However in this case technically wouldn’t be her fault for not attending. Also not sure if I’ll have the same judge. It’s a week away so I doubt much can be done with mother. I’m very sure she won’t attend a last minute hearing due to childcare (her other child not ours as they will be in school).

I will contact CAFASS but I’m pretty sure they will say the same as last time which was to sill attend. But will raise concerns about the court sending correspondence.

By any chance do you know if it’s possible to request for information to be sent digitally?

Thanks for your response
The court I’m dealing with are pretty good albeit there is a bit of a delay when replying to emails but only once has that caused a problem.
Regards digital correspondence, they tend to send orders etc to me via email, only a couple of times have I had it through the post.
I suppose you could always ask them to email it all through to you?
I’m guessing different courts do things differently
The court I’m dealing with are pretty good albeit there is a bit of a delay when replying to emails but only once has that caused a problem.
Regards digital correspondence, they tend to send orders etc to me via email, only a couple of times have I had it through the post.
I suppose you could always ask them to email it all through to you?
I’m guessing different courts do things differently
This is good to know. I’ll request for digital correspondence specifically where possible. Especially as their postal communication seems to be poor.

Just frustrating I may have another adjourned hearing due to them not sending out the details on time.

Thanks for your response