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Court Compensation Scheme


Well-known member
Good Afternoon Dads,

I had a hearing cancelled at the last minute.
I appreciate this happens all the time, but I believe I have a good case to ask for compensation to reclaim barrister fees.
Has anyone done this or know where to start.

Someone told me last night to do a C2
I have also been told to make a complaint.
There does seem to be a specific form to apply for compensation.
Thanks JNLDN
Good Afternoon Dads,

I had a hearing cancelled at the last minute.
I appreciate this happens all the time, but I believe I have a good case to ask for compensation to reclaim barrister fees.
Has anyone done this or know where to start.

Hope you get it - this is concerning tbh, when hearings are scheduled on the basis that other hearings are scheduled at the same time and your hearing might not go ahead. It's yet another burden that Legal Aid-funded corrupt mothers don't have to face.

"How to Complain About the Courts

If you feel that the court handling your case hasn’t done so professionally, and you haven’t received proper justice in your case, you can make a complaint directly with the court by contacting a member of the court staff either in person or via phone. You may want to make your complain more formal and in writing. If this is the case you need to complete form EX343A. You can download the form from the HMCS website. You should receive a reply about your complaint within 5 working days. When you make your complaint ensure that:

You describe all the facts relating to your complaint in as much detail as possible

Clearly explain why you think the court made a mistake with your case

What loss (if any) you have suffered as a consequence of the mistake or conduct of the court

If you are making a complaint about a specific member of court staff, and feel you have made a loss, you may be able to claim compensation. This will depend on the nature of your complaint.

Any complaint you make will be investigated and a decision made about any action to be taken. If you disagree with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask the Area Director to further consider your complaint. And if you are still not satisfied with the Area Director’s decision about your complaint, you can contact the Customer Service Unit by telephone on: 0845 4568770 or 020 7189 2000. Disability Helpline/Textphone: Freephone 0800 358 3506.

If after going through this procedure you still believe your complaint hasn’t been dealt with properly, you can contact the The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. You can’t contact this service directly, but your MP can help you make contact with them."

I think the above is right because of this:

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