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Consent Order not filed in Court


New member
Hello everyone,

I need a bit of direction so if anyone’s got any experience on what I can do moving forward please?

Long story short, Ex wife hired a solicitor to draft our agreed financial clean break agreement (her being the applicant) to which I signed and sent back to her, now it has been 5 months since I signed it and I checked with HMCTS and I was told that there was nothing filed. She is obviously holding the filing to delay the money that I am due from her to squeeze me dry. What can I do or what should be my next move to get the agreed clean break agreement filed snd stamped by court?

Many thanks lads!!!
I'll leave that for someone else - I'm not up on divorce finances. But - did you keep a copy after you signed it? And had she signed it before you? ie do you have a copy with both signatures on?
Is it not possible to reach out to her to ask why? I know the answers glaringly obvious but like most disputes, dialogue is preferable to going to court.
I was wondering if you could file it yourself if you have a signed copy but you'd probably need some legal advice.