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Comms disclosure


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Court granted mum's legal team full disclosure of my comms with CAMHS and daughter's therapist.
They've also today requested all my comms with GP and school without an order.

This makes me feel uneasy, but I assume transparency is the best way forward?
I suppose to a degree it depends on what is in your comms with the GP and the school. If there are negatives about your ex that might be something they can use against you.

If you believe disclosure could have safeguarding consequences for your daughter. You might have reason to remind the school that you do not consent to information about you being shared. Redaction of details relating to the other parent is normal under GDPR.

Your ex is entitled to request data from the school and the GP. It seems a bit odd for them to come directly to you, if they have.

Does your daughter live with you?

Are proceedings ongoing?

Was it an SIO re. CAMHS and Therapist?

Maybe say a bit more and see what people think. This does not feel like a black and white question to me.
I don't think so- mostly child focused, other than highlighting ex removing our daughter from school on some of my days!

I was acting at the time to get our daughter mental health support as she didn't want to return to her mum- Ex was blocking private therapy so I had to go the CAMHS and school counsellor route. But I was acting unilaterally, which is how they're trying to wrap things up through alienation.

They didn't request with me, but directly with school & GP -who want my consent to release.
Given they were granted an SIO for CAMHS and private therapist, I'm hesitant to resist school & GP as they'll likely get them anyway?

had first hearing- 50/50 remains on interim. Section 7 to be done
Court granted mum's legal team full disclosure of my comms with CAMHS and daughter's therapist.
They've also today requested all my comms with GP and school without an order.

This makes me feel uneasy, but I assume transparency is the best way forward?
It's highly unlikely the school will disclose without an order.

What they will find if it is disclosed? If nothing then it's fine. It seems they are just digging to find something to use against you.
It's highly unlikely the school will disclose without an order.

What they will find if it is disclosed? If nothing then it's fine. It seems they are just digging to find something to use against you.
CAFCASS already said they don't think I've alienated. Daughter just wants to live with me.

Not much- just messages about our daughter struggling. They're reaching for anything they can.
I'm going to request she discloses her comms too
I don't think so- mostly child focused, other than highlighting ex removing our daughter from school on some of my days!

I was acting at the time to get our daughter mental health support as she didn't want to return to her mum- Ex was blocking private therapy so I had to go the CAMHS and school counsellor route. But I was acting unilaterally, which is how they're trying to wrap things up through alienation.

They didn't request with me, but directly with school & GP -who want my consent to release.
Given they were granted an SIO for CAMHS and private therapist, I'm hesitant to resist school & GP as they'll likely get them anyway?

had first hearing- 50/50 remains on interim. Section 7 to be done
How old is the child?

After a certain age it would be up to the child to consent, 12 I believe.

Would it be possible to make a request for reciprocity? If she refused to give the same consent it might give a different angle on things.
CAFCASS already said they don't think I've alienated. Daughter just wants to live with me.

Not much- just messages about our daughter struggling. They're reaching for anything they can.
I'm going to request she discloses her comms too
That's really good that your daughter wants to live with you. Well done!

Let them dig into whatever you are already winning…they sound too desperate because couldn't find anything.

Try to be fair to the mother as well so that she can find some sense to give up this ugly fight.
How old is the child?

After a certain age it would be up to the child to consent, 12 I believe.

Would it be possible to make a request for reciprocity? If she refused to give the same consent it might give a different angle on things.
She's 12. The GP actually asked for her consent for me to have a copy of her medical records.

That's exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow morning- I know for a fact that she has some omissions in her accounts with comms, so this will be interesting.
That's really good that your daughter wants to live with you. Well done!

Let them dig into whatever you are already winning…they sound too desperate because couldn't find anything.

Try to be fair to the mother as well so that she can find some sense to give up this ugly fight.
Thank you! It's so exhausting having to stave off these never ending attacks, but I know it's because they're reaching! And the fact their solicitor is racking up the hours!
I keep trying to offer mediation to her mum, but she's so focused on discrediting me. Oh well, I'll just keep trying to be the reasonable one.