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Child's mother put in a school application under false pretenses


New member
Pretty much what is says on the tin

Due to time/childcare arrangements, we agreed that she would apply for schools near her before the deadline as I was waiting to see where we agreed to move so I could get a house and update the application.

After the application deadline she informed me she is not willing to move and the children will be staying where they are.

Obviously had I known this were the case I would not have consented to the choices, but don't know if I there is anything I can do now?
My understanding is it just takes one parent to make a school application and difficult to reverse this without a court order.

More experienced members on this forum may have better insights/advice.
My understanding is it just takes one parent to make a school application and difficult to reverse this without a court order.

More experienced members on this forum may have better insights/advice.
I thought both parents have to consent to educational choices but I may very we'll be wrong
Good question - I don't know. But I think the children can only have one school place and she will say they live with her. They can't really go to school near you if they're not with you.

I replied on your other thread about this, that whilst it does need the consent of both parents, this isn't enforceable after the event.

However education is part of PR and specific issues orders can be for choice of school - urgent ones as well. But you'd need a good argument to get the school choice changed. What would your choice be? What distance is there between you currently? If distance means you can't do school runs then the court would probably only consider another school in her area. No court will force her to move as it's her human right to live where she wants.

Unfortunately it sounds like she's had legal advice and solicitors for ex's will show them all the loopholes. There is nothing moral about any of it.

So could you do your job if you lived nearer the kids new school?