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Child weekly split - advice


New member
Hi there,
Completely new here so hello everyone! I’m kind of in the process of separating from my wife or should I say I’m fighting tooth and nail but I think my wife is fed up after all our troubles for the last year. Things have got worse and she feels done! Anyways, I’m more intrigued to hear of how other separated dads have done the split of child for a boy aged 2 years old?
I understand the importance of his age of being around his mother and we have talked about that but I just struggle to see what that looks like. Currently it’s 1 night a week with me and then every other weekend I have him. It feels so damn tough because I’m used to seeing him everyday and I am such a hands on dad. I need to do what’s best for him and only we can really know that but I’m just interested to hear how everyone else has done it with a boy of similar age?
One night a week and every other weekend is the barebones of a default order where child lives with mother and spends time with father.

Status quo is extremely powerful in family law proceedings. I suggest you need to make the status quo at least 5, preferably 6, nights a fortnight.

Kids adapt, they change so quickly anyway, compare an 18 month old to a 30 month old. Routine and consistent love from a trusted parent is what is needed. In my view, nothing else. And, it is ok for the routine to be different with each parent. My child at that age was getting totally different from me and my ex. They know what to expect in each context.

Focus on your relationship with the child. In my view, that should come before all else. Squabbles in the family court can only pay off if the child is on board.

I hope you can find a decent agreement without court. Please do not assume your ex would not play dirty.