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Child maintenance


New member
Hey , new to this site and just want some advice really I have 2 children .. 1 child I am on birth certificate the other I am not . I have a private arrangement however CMS send letters to both parents wirh what I earn is this allowed , as you can imagine the stress it’s causing me as I am constantly getting messages if not from the mums it’s from Cms I recorded 8 letters in 14 days from them it made me really ill.. anyways is there anyway can stop the letters ? The child that I’m not on birth certificate the mum constantly disappears I have asked for DNA test to prove the child is mine but as soon as I contact she goes CMS I have never seen this child , and all I got from Cms was that I am alleged ??? it’s just one stress I am struggling with , any help advice would be welcoming

Assuming this is genuine...

Have you put your earnings through the cms calculator to determine how much you should be paying for each child.
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You have to pay CMS regardless of whether you're on the birth certificate unfortunately. They will check your earnings with the tax office and base their calculation on that. If you suspect you're not the Father of one of the children, you still have to pay CMS until you can prove otherwise. The law on this isn't fair.

If you want a DNA test to prove whether or not you're the Father, you'll need to apply to the family court to request it. They will order it and it will be a legally binding test.

I'm sorry you're finding this so stressful. I'm guessing if they're sending you so many letters, it's because you're not paying (and the debt can mount up). Have you tried phoning them? They can be quite helpful.

Hey yes I am paying a private arrangement but they send letters suggesting this amount which doesn’t take in to account rent etc
If you are unsure if you are one of the children’s father, you can tell CMS that you are not on the birth certificate and are not sure you are the child’s father. CMS can then ask for a DNA test. They will have. Their own centres closest to you where they will tell you to make an appointment and you can give the sample. They will then tell the mother to take the child to the same centre for a sample to be taken. If you are proven to be the father then you will have to pay the fee for the test. If you are not the father you don’t pay and you also don’t pay child maintenance for that child. The test they use is also proof in family courts of parentage and you can apply for a parental responsibility order and ask to be added to the birth certificate if you are given parental responsibility by the court.

Hey , new to this site and just want some advice really I have 2 children .. 1 child I am on birth certificate the other I am not . I have a private arrangement however CMS send letters to both parents wirh what I earn is this allowed , as you can imagine the stress it’s causing me as I am constantly getting messages if not from the mums it’s from Cms I recorded 8 letters in 14 days from them it made me really ill.. anyways is there anyway can stop the letters ? The child that I’m not on birth certificate the mum constantly disappears I have asked for DNA test to prove the child is mine but as soon as I contact she goes CMS I have never seen this child , and all I got from Cms was that I am alleged ??? it’s just one stress I am struggling with , any help advice would be welcoming
Are both children with the same mother?