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Child care issues


New member

After a bit of advice

Split with partner of ten years recently, and having issues with child care responsibilities

Short story
I work full time, 168 shift, four on four off. She works part-time time 16 hrs a week from home.

On my four off I pretty much have our son full time apart from one evening I have to myself.

She is demanding I find child care for the days we are both working. Would I be unreasonable for refusing as I feel I provide enough time? She is the parent with care/resident parent. As a token gesture I have offered to find care for one of the days (she needs two)

Advice/experiences welcome

After a bit of advice

Split with partner of ten years recently, and having issues with child care responsibilities

Short story
I work full time, 168 shift, four on four off. She works part-time time 16 hrs a week from home.

On my four off I pretty much have our son full time apart from one evening I have to myself.

She is demanding I find child care for the days we are both working. Would I be unreasonable for refusing as I feel I provide enough time? She is the parent with care/resident parent. As a token gesture I have offered to find care for one of the days (she needs two)

Advice/experiences welcome
I forgot to mention I have two jobs, on my days off I work from home with our son present
I don't think you're being unreasonable personally. Are you paying CMS and is she claiming child benefit? If so, then she should be covering her own childcare expenses.
How is she the parent with care if you have your son half the time (4 days of your 4 days on, 4 days off shift)?

Are there any court orders in place, or parenting agreements as to who has the child when?
How is she the parent with care if you have your son half the time (4 days of your 4 days on, 4 days off shift)?

Are there any court orders in place, or parenting agreements as to who has the child when?
I have him for two nights, but most of the days I'm off

No court orders in place