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Child benefit


Well-known member
So, I've had my daughter living with me since 10th august. I now have an interim order to say she lives with me until at least next court hearing. My question is, should I be claiming her child benefit? The Mother is still receiving it but I don't know if I can legally claim it yet, how would the court look at that? Would they see it as me being spiteful to the mother or not? Can I legally claim it? Should I claim it? I really don't know what to do for the best. I haven't worked since my daughter came to live with me so am relying on universal credits which doesn't go far once my rent is paid. Any help appreciated thanks you
Agree. Although with the current situation, where there is no order yet as to who the children live with, I would be cautious about rocking the boat just now, because it's more incentive for the Mother to keep your daughter after the interim visit, and not return her. And you have a hearing coming up.
Agree. Although with the current situation, where there is no order yet as to who the children live with, I would be cautious about rocking the boat just now, because it's more incentive for the Mother to keep your daughter after the interim visit, and not return her. And you have a hearing coming up.
Yeah that's what I'm afraid of, I'm not bothered about the money although it would help, I don't want to do anything to piss her off more, I've already seen what she's capable of hence not seeing my son for nearly 2 months
I agree about non aggravation but equally believe it to be a fair, justified application. That is where your judgement should come from, and not prejudiced through fear of repercussion. Consider how your action is seen by others other than your ex. Would they see the equitability of your action?

I agree about non aggravation but equally believe it to be a fair, justified application. That is where your judgement should come from, and not prejudiced through fear of repercussion. Consider how your action is seen by others other than your ex. Would they see the equitability of your action?

I do agree with you thank you, and I know that if it was the other way round then it would have been the first thing she'd have done, the problem I have is that she will punish my actions with the kids as its all she has, I haven't seen my son for nearly 2 months simply because my daughter doesn't want to see her mother, her reaction to that was keeping my son from me stating he doesn't want to see me even though he has told myself and various others that he does, her numer 1 plan is to hurt me and is not bothered who she hurts in the way. As Ash said, she is due to see my daughter soon for a 3 hour supervised visit and I'm terrified she won't return her, and so is my daughter, she has proved she will do this by not returning my son
I hear you and I feel greatly for you but I remain of the opinion that you need to seperate yourself from the other mindset and rise above it.

And, ultimately, the scenario you describe above is abduction, not tit for tat.

I hear you and I feel greatly for you but I remain of the opinion that you need to seperate yourself from the other mindset and rise above it.

And, ultimately, the scenario you describe above is abduction, not tit for tat.

Yeah I agree, but unfortunately it seems a Mother can do what they want without any repercussions, different for dad's unfortunately
So, I've had my daughter living with me since 10th august. I now have an interim order to say she lives with me until at least next court hearing. My question is, should I be claiming her child benefit? The Mother is still receiving it but I don't know if I can legally claim it yet, how would the court look at that? Would they see it as me being spiteful to the mother or not? Can I legally claim it? Should I claim it? I really don't know what to do for the best. I haven't worked since my daughter came to live with me so am relying on universal credits which doesn't go far once my rent is paid. Any help appreciated thanks you
From experience they will wait 6-weeks until they would change it over to you.