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Child benefit


New member
I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience?

4 years ago I got divorced. We have two children now aged 15 and 10.

Upon divorce I was ordered to hand over the child benefit to my ex as she had the children 60% of the time. Four years down the line and both children are living with their parents 50:50.

When I spoke to citizens advice about how the child benefits arrangements may now change I was told to ask if my ex could informally transfer 50% to me…she refused stating that is not in the court order. I then asked for the children birth certificate numbers so I could the C2 form for HMRC to decide. She refused to hand over the children birth certificates so I had to purchase two new ones at £25.

I have now completed the form and sent off in the post. I have spoken to HMRC who did not sound too convincing that I would see any of the child benefit despite my ex wife and I having the children 50:50 and both employed in the same profession on the same salary.

As a father of two children surely I am eligible to receive child benefit now?

Any advice would be really appreciated

Yes, however now you've contested the child benefit, HMRC should contact the ex and ask if she would be willing to claim for 1 child each, if she refuses, then HMRC will then complete and investigation. The will check as to what address the school have on file and what address the GP has on file. They don't look at spend typically, they'll understand as to where the majority of their belongings are and therefore who has majority care
Thankyou for your response

My children will have both addresses for school and their GP.

They have said it may take up to 12 weeks so I’ll wait and see
In the grand scheme of things its £100 odds a month, or are you wanting it shared to ensure she cannot use CMS on you?