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Change of circumstances


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Hi, I have a 50 50 order in place. Its existed legaly since 2018 and was made final in 2021. I am moving from a family owened property to a rental property. Principly to be closer to my daughter's school. Does anyone know if this could be considered grounds for my ex to challenge the status of the current order? Thanks
Hello. I don't quite understand how it's existed legally since 2018 if it wasn't made final until 2021 (making final usually makes it legal!) :unsure:. But if you have a court order that says your daughter lives with both parents, it should make no difference what house you live in whatsoever. Up to you if you want to move house. Having said that, your ex might decide to be difficult if she's that way inclined. For example if the accommodation isn't as good, or not child friendly. But technically it's none of her business. Home is where the heart is.

It doesn't change the court order. If your ex wanted to use this to change the court order she'd have to apply to court to have the order varied and I can't see the court being interested in you moving from one house to another.
Hello. I don't quite understand how it's existed legally since 2018 if it wasn't made final until 2021 (making final usually makes it legal!) :unsure:. But if you have a court order that says your daughter lives with both parents, it should make no difference what house you live in whatsoever. Up to you if you want to move house. Having said that, your ex might decide to be difficult if she's that way inclined. For example if the accommodation isn't as good, or not child friendly. But technically it's none of her business. Home is where the heart is.

It doesn't change the court order. If your ex wanted to use this to change the court order she'd have to apply to court to have the order varied and I can't see the court being interested in you moving from one house to another.
Thanks for the reply. Prior to 2021 the order existed as initially an agreement between solicitors and then as a series of sheriff's orders. An ex would always challenge the order and so it took until 2021 to have a final order from the sheriff.
Ok. Guess you're in Scotland - slightly different system :)