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CAO Court Process


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I submitted a C100 early August and I recieved information from CAFCASS this week confirming the date and time of my call.

At the moment I have recieved no information about first hearing date, or any response from my ex - wife. I would have assumed she had to respond to the application prior to CAFCASS involvement?
Hi and welcome
If you've had the CAFCASS date and time you should of had the first court date too, I had mi e come through 2 weeks ago for Cafcass call and few days later the court date
I spoke to my solicitors and they haven't had anything - and they actually asked me confirm I've had no direct correspondence!
Strange as the CAFCASS call is usually within 4 weeks of the first hearing, and guess there's no point t reaching out to the court cos you don't know which one it will be. Give it a few days and it should turn up.
I know which court, I had a letter of acknologement so I know where and what the reference is.I didn't want to reach out, if my solicitors are meant to be dealing with it all!
How far away is your CAFCASS call? I would give it until that call for the date to come through, have you done your form F yet?
Cafcass is week after next.
Not had any forms through at all yet! Only correspondence from the court was them confirming my C100 and giving it a court reference
From my current experience I have to attach my form F to the court order and start preparing my position statement ,well the solicitor will with my input. I know it's money being used but I would chase this with solicitor, as you've got CAFCASS call week after next I'm gonna assume your court date should be 2nd week of October based on the 4 week timeline Cafcass need
Yeah, I've tried with them as I would have expected to have some response back from my ex but nothing!
They don't seem too bothered and have just sent across CAFCASS pointers - will wait and see if I hear in the next week
From my current experience I have to attach my form F to the court order and start preparing my position statement ,well the solicitor will with my input. I know it's money being used but I would chase this with solicitor, as you've got CAFCASS call week after next I'm gonna assume your court date should be 2nd week of October based on the 4 week timeline Cafcass need
Whats a form F btw?
Cafcass is week after next.
Not had any forms through at all yet! Only correspondence from the court was them confirming my C100 and giving it a court reference

I did not get my court date off the court , there were a few missed emails for a while but I was none the wiser as it was all new to me .
When I had the Cafcass call she mentioned the date by chance and I said I had no idea until she told me .
She did say it happens more often than you think with info not sent out.
When you have your call id ask Cafcass if they have the date and time as it's not been sent out to you and they should give it to you
I did not get my court date off the court , there were a few missed emails for a while but I was none the wiser as it was all new to me .
When I had the Cafcass call she mentioned the date by chance and I said I had no idea until she told me .
She did say it happens more often than you think with info not sent out.
When you have your call id ask Cafcass if they have the date and time as it's not been sent out to you and they should give it to you
did you not hear anything regarding your exes response to your application?