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CAO AND CA1 advice needed pls

I have to laugh hearing this bull again. The parent who stops kids seeing their other parent makes alienation accusation?!

Same old nonsense being taken seriously. šŸ˜”
Sheā€™s claiming parental alienation and abuses to her. After 4 years and now this. I deny all of her accusations and I have proofs.
PA but for whatever reason what was agreed in a Parenting Plan as 50/50 is now more in her favour??? Really???? My astonshment grows.

Abuses to her? When and what? After so many years the simple straightforward answer to these are "well, why have you waited so long"? But, please elaborate, what "abuses"?

Thanks, SS.
if you fill in a C100 mention the Domestic abuse against you, get an even footing from the off, you can also apply like her for legal aid
PA but for whatever reason what was agreed in a Parenting Plan as 50/50 is now more in her favour??? Really???? My astonshment grows.

Abuses to her? When and what? After so many years the simple straightforward answer to these are "well, why have you waited so long"? But, please elaborate, what "abuses"?

Thanks, SS.
Yeah, I let her push me over a little too much. It was 50/50 to begin with then she started signing kids up for weekend activities without consulting with me and I refused to pay out of principle and also Iā€™m paying half of the childrenā€™s private education, so basically I cannot afford it, her reason I pay the activities on the weekend, I take them. I divorced her and left the house after agreeing to a parenting plan and a draft consent order with financial settlement for me (Iā€™ve yet to see the money btw) I have a good wage but with the childrenā€™s private schooling and my rent and expenses, cash only goes a short way. Then to top it off, she contacted CMS claiming supportšŸ™„ so how does she expect me to pay for all of that. I told her CMS or School fees, I pay 3x school fees than what CMS wanted from me. So I just took the kids schedule as it is temporarily knowing that I will be filing for a CAO but she beat me to it. I was going to file CAO light and she filed a CAO extra strongšŸ„“ I know Iā€™m a sucker. So the saga continued after that, I send her kids schedule as to when I can have them as per my work roster, she started giving me grief for that as well saying ā€œI am accommodating your requestā€ for your time with the children knowing full well of how my work schedule is because it was the same from when we were still together. She accused me of controlling as to when I can see my kidsšŸ˜³ obviously I can only have them when Iā€™m off work. My head is spinning right now
if you fill in a C100 mention the Domestic abuse against you, get an even footing from the off, you can also apply like her for legal aid
I really want this to be about the children, I thought of going tit for tat as I have loads of videos of her being abusive to me this includes text messages etc etc, but going tit for tat might make me look like im out for revenge. I donā€™t know, Iā€™m confused
PA but for whatever reason what was agreed in a Parenting Plan as 50/50 is now more in her favour??? Really???? My astonshment grows.

Abuses to her? When and what? After so many years the simple straightforward answer to these are "well, why have you waited so long"? But, please elaborate, what "abuses"?

Thanks, SS.
Abuses she claiming? You name it she claims it. Emotional, psychological, sexual
I urge you not to rush.

You have the advantage of lengthy notice for your first hearing. Your head should be spinning, do not worry about that. The spins will let you find a route that is right for you.

This is all about tactics.

By coincidence, my ex also put every allegation under the sun into her application. A respondent who does not know which angle they will be attacked from is ideal for the weasels who earn their crust by abusing fathers. I was panicking about my reputation, my work, things showing up on disclosures -because of her lies... After three hearings and over two years, those allegations are still sitting there. They are beating you up in the hope you'll be punch drunk when it comes to the proper fight.

It might help to remind yourself that she is allowed to lie with impunity, there are none of the negative consequences that apply in normal life. This must feel like it is targeted specifically at you, in my view, it is just their normal technique.

Please do not do anything on impulse. I always feel a huge desire to deal with the shit thrown at me ASAP. But, I have learnt to see a deadline as the earliest conceivable date, rather than the last possible date.

I urge you not to rush.

You have the advantage of lengthy notice for your first hearing. Your head should be spinning, do not worry about that. The spins will let you find a route that is right for you.

This is all about tactics.

By coincidence, my ex also put every allegation under the sun into her application. A respondent who does not know which angle they will be attacked from is ideal for the weasels who earn their crust by abusing fathers. I was panicking about my reputation, my work, things showing up on disclosures -because of her lies... After three hearings and over two years, those allegations are still sitting there. They are beating you up in the hope you'll be punch drunk when it comes to the proper fight.

It might help to remind yourself that she is allowed to lie with impunity, there are none of the negative consequences that apply in normal life. This must feel like it is targeted specifically at you, in my view, it is just their normal technique.

Please do not do anything on impulse. I always feel a huge desire to deal with the shit thrown at me ASAP. But, I have learnt to see a deadline as the earliest conceivable date, rather than the last possible date.

I will heed your advice my friend, it is a wise one. Thank you resolute and good luck to you my friend. I hope you the bestšŸ‘ I appreciate all your help.