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Cafcass safeguarding letter - late?


Well-known member
Hi all,

I have my FHDRA in less than a week. I still haven’t received a safeguarding letter from Cafcass following the telephone call I had with them. Are they being slow or is this normal? On the directions paperwork they were supposed to file it with the Court by yesterday. My DAB asked for me to send it over to them once received as they are doing my position statement.

Hi all,

I have my FHDRA in less than a week. I still haven’t received a safeguarding letter from Cafcass following the telephone call I had with them. Are they being slow or is this normal? On the directions paperwork they were supposed to file it with the Court by yesterday. My DAB asked for me to send it over to them once received as they are doing my position statement.


Occasionally if allegations of abuse are raised by either party cafcass only serve it on the court due to safe guarding concerns. If this is the case, both parties will receive a copy in the day of the first hearing from the on duty cafcass officer who is at court and attends the first hearing.

Occasionally if allegations of abuse are raised by either party cafcass only serve it on the court due to safe guarding concerns. If this is the case, both parties will receive a copy in the day of the first hearing from the on duty cafcass officer who is at court and attends the first hearing.
Thanks Nana. I imagine that is what has happened. Ex didn’t speak to Cafcass first (apparently she wasn’t about when they called) and I imagine she has repeated the same allegations that got me arrested and an NMO.

The SW involved believes everything the ex has said as gospel and thinks I’m a safeguarding risk to my daughter so pretty sure this is what’s happened then.
Thanks Nana. I imagine that is what has happened. Ex didn’t speak to Cafcass first (apparently she wasn’t about when they called) and I imagine she has repeated the same allegations that got me arrested and an NMO.
This is what happened to my son. The letter was just a repeat of the same allegations he was NFAd by police for and he has evidence to prove they were false allegations.
This is what happened to my son. The letter was just a repeat of the same allegations he was NFAd by police for and he has evidence to prove they were false allegations.
Sorry to hear that nana. I have a lot of evidence to help disprove her allegations but a lot are just her word vs mine. So many are grossly exaggerated and completely taken out of context yet the SW treats them as gospel. Hoping the judge sees through it as have got some very good family centre reports so far which have been send to court by the centre🤞
Sorry to hear that nana. I have a lot of evidence to help disprove her allegations but a lot are just her word vs mine. So many are grossly exaggerated and completely taken out of context yet the SW treats them as gospel. Hoping the judge sees through it as have got some very good family centre reports so far which have been send to court by the centre🤞
🤞🏻good luck with your first hearing. Hopefully with the good family centre reports you should be in a good position.
You could phone the court and ask if they've received it. If they have they'll probably tell you it's only been submitted to court and not to parents, if that's the case. Or that it should be on the way.
You could phone the court and ask if they've received it. If they have they'll probably tell you it's only been submitted to court and not to parents, if that's the case. Or that it should be on the way.
Thanks Ash, I’ll try to get through. Have had no luck when trying to get through to someone so far but I’ll keep trying
I managed to get through but it went through to a national court line. They advised to email the court direct. Would you also email them over a copy of my police NFA letter to make sure they have it? Do I need to cc in the ex?
No you don't need to cc in the ex. Technically you can't submit any evidence at this stage and the court wouldn't like it if you did. But you could slip in the NFA letter saying Cafcass hadn't seen this at the time.
I’ve heard back from the Court and they still haven’t received the safeguarding letter yet and it was supposed to be filed by last Thursday. Should I be worried? I obviously don’t want an adjournment if the Court do not receive it as I’d loose my barrister fee.
I’ve heard back from the Court and they still haven’t received the safeguarding letter yet and it was supposed to be filed by last Thursday. Should I be worried? I obviously don’t want an adjournment if the Court do not receive it as I’d loose my barrister fee.
Ring cafcass and speak to a duty officer
Sometimes it arrives the day before a hearing - but yes get in touch with Cafcass.