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Cafcass Letter - case closed


Experienced member
Morning people,
Just a quick one, received a letter from Cafcass saying they have closed the case, does this have any benefit? do they get back involved further down the pipe? I am early on in my journey but not sure at this point what that means really? or whether its helpful or not, any feedback or experiences from anyone?
Do they say "Cafcass will no longer be involved?" If so it means it progresses to a final hearing and welfare issues are dismissed. So in that case it's good news. But what stage are you at? I think you said you had a fact find didn't you?
Is this written in the Advice to the Court section? When you say "closed the case" have they said in this letter that they have not identified any further role for CAFCASS?

I have had a similar letter. CAFCASS have checked the Police National Computer. I have no record. They have reviewed historic reports from Social Services. These reports don't back up my exes allegations. In fact, she's done a pretty good job of shooting herself in the foot! As it's all about her failings.

They have no concerns following telephone interviews.

CAFCASS have reported to the court that they have no safeguarding concerns about me at all. They actually make a point of saying that nothing my ex claims adds up!

So, essentially. they are stepping away to let the court make it's decision? It's sounds like this is the case for you too. Which is one step closer to the end for you hopefully and an Order.
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Morning people,
Just a quick one, received a letter from Cafcass saying they have closed the case, does this have any benefit? do they get back involved further down the pipe? I am early on in my journey but not sure at this point what that means really? or whether its helpful or not, any feedback or experiences from anyone?
When you say a letter, do you mean just a letter saying that, or is it the safeguarding letter? I think you had the safeguarding letter a while back though didn't you? So assume this is just as you say - a letter to say they're closing the case. Is that all it says or does it say anything else as well? And do you have a hearing date coming up? In which case - a hearing and no Cafcass and no welfare issues.
I think you have a fact find hearing coming up don't you with scott schedule? So it basically means Cafcass aren't involved now and it will be down to the court to decide what next. Although that doesn't sound quite right because if the fact find went against you, Cafcass would normally be recommending what the court should order at that stage.
I have an order for scott schedule, and a hearing, all that says is cafcass was present at the last one, since waiting for that order to come through and literally 2 days after the first court appearance FDRHA cafcass send a letter and say case closed,

Not sure what that means really, but I can't see them attending the next one or am I wrong?
It should say in the order if cafcass are due to attend next hearing, sometimes not as directly as you might expect. Usually they do attend for cross-examination if anything more detailed than a safeguarding letter has been prepared.

If they are to attend, or if you think they should, it is worth contacting them to let them know you do not think their involvement is at an end.

To go to the original point about disadvantages arising from the end of their involvement. They will often stonewall you at that point, refuse conversations and deny assistance. If they recommended anything you want clarified, if they made any errors of fact you want corrected, if there is a course you want to get on, if anything at all is left hanging - get in touch with them quickly!
I have an order for scott schedule, and a hearing, all that says is cafcass was present at the last one, since waiting for that order to come through and literally 2 days after the first court appearance FDRHA cafcass send a letter and say case closed,

Not sure what that means really, but I can't see them attending the next one or am I wrong?
Yes I would contact them. It sounds like both were sent around the same time (the order and the Cafcass letter) - ie simultaneous. But if the Cafcass letter was done before the order it could possibly be crossed wires so I would definitely want to ask them a couple of things (carefully). If you can get hold of them?! Phone is usually best.

It does seem strange that they would close their case and you also be asked to do a scott schedule. There have been cases where it hasn't actually been a fact find - where the Judge has just asked both parties to submit 5 questions or something for a standard hearing.

Does it say anything else at all on their letter?