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CAFCASS Experiences

Has anyone got any experience of CAFCASS involvement where there are not allegations between parents and we both are child focussed in those calls/meetings? I have nothing but positive things to say and I know that will be the same the other way. Nothing that we are going through is about anything other than a specific issue and not about parenting capacities or welfare
Yes they normally write a simple report and it goes straight to a first hearing, where there's opportunity to try and reach agreement pre hearing. Cafcass sometimes recommend mediation and parenting courses.
Yes they normally write a simple report and it goes straight to a first hearing, where there's opportunity to try and reach agreement pre hearing. Cafcass sometimes recommend mediation and parenting courses.
Would this still be something that is suggested when mediation has already taken place before submitting any application and the other party has agreed there is absolutely no point in further mediation because they will not change their mind?
Yes because you‘d both be ordered to try mediation - at different stage than before the court application. In practice you only need to turn up once to fulfil the ordered requirement.

I had court ordered mediation - it was over 10 mins after the first session.
Ok thank you. We have been once and I checked if we should try again and was shut down so i am at application stage now and have my form ready from the mediation team.
Had a CAFCASS call today prior to my FHDRA and thought I’d detail my own experience which was a deeply frustrating one.

CAFCASS officer starts by just getting background information, e.g. ethnicity and religious info and where I am living now.

She then briefly asked about how I could see future arrangements and if I am contacting ex at all. I have a NMO on me (didn’t mention this), but mentioned ex and I have set up a parenting app and that I have been on their website and drafted a parenting plan and also been on a few parenting courses.

She also asked about who my child is living with and how often I see them (in a contact centre).

She hadn’t spoken to ex yet, just a social worker that hates me and treated my ex’s word as gospel. The social worker told Cafcass that when she had spoken to me she thought I was controlling and that I had mental health problems (I’ve felt I was polite, but at the very start of the process before the great advice on here I raised some, in my view, legitimate concerns about my ex’s mental health).

The officer then basically regurgitated all of the social workers comments based on exs allegations e.g. child abuse, physical abuse to ex, financial abuse, controlling behaviour etc. I calmly denied them all and reiterated the desire to coparent and for our child to have happy homes with both parents.

She hadn’t got a copy of the NFA letter from the police either and I was given that weeks ago.

She asked if I had any safeguarding concerns with ex which I said no (seemed pointless to bring up her MH issues again).

The officer advised me to get a GP letter to take to the FHDRA showing no mental health concerns.

I asked if she would look at all the positive contact centre reports that I’ve had and she said she wouldn’t be speaking to the centre. She said she would request that the court has these for the FHDRA but I’ll take copies as I had no confidence she would do this.

I tried to detail all the things I did with my daughter but she cut me short. She basically said my case will probably go to a fact find.

She seemed disinterested throughout. First impression of Cafcass is very underwhelming.
Had a CAFCASS call today prior to my FHDRA and thought I’d detail my own experience which was a deeply frustrating one.

CAFCASS officer starts by just getting background information, e.g. ethnicity and religious info and where I am living now.

She then briefly asked about how I could see future arrangements and if I am contacting ex at all. I have a NMO on me (didn’t mention this), but mentioned ex and I have set up a parenting app and that I have been on their website and drafted a parenting plan and also been on a few parenting courses.

She also asked about who my child is living with and how often I see them (in a contact centre).

She hadn’t spoken to ex yet, just a social worker that hates me and treated my ex’s word as gospel. The social worker told Cafcass that when she had spoken to me she thought I was controlling and that I had mental health problems (I’ve felt I was polite, but at the very start of the process before the great advice on here I raised some, in my view, legitimate concerns about my ex’s mental health).

The officer then basically regurgitated all of the social workers comments based on exs allegations e.g. child abuse, physical abuse to ex, financial abuse, controlling behaviour etc. I calmly denied them all and reiterated the desire to coparent and for our child to have happy homes with both parents.

She hadn’t got a copy of the NFA letter from the police either and I was given that weeks ago.

She asked if I had any safeguarding concerns with ex which I said no (seemed pointless to bring up her MH issues again).

The officer advised me to get a GP letter to take to the FHDRA showing no mental health concerns.

I asked if she would look at all the positive contact centre reports that I’ve had and she said she wouldn’t be speaking to the centre. She said she would request that the court has these for the FHDRA but I’ll take copies as I had no confidence she would do this.

I tried to detail all the things I did with my daughter but she cut me short. She basically said my case will probably go to a fact find.

She seemed disinterested throughout. First impression of Cafcass is very underwhelming.
Sorry to read about your experience.

Try to remember that Cafcass advise, the Court decides. Cafcass can make their recommendations. In reality, they are batting a decision to the court. Highlighting decisions the court needs to make.

Their language often makes it feel like a decision has been made against you and that your ex's 'reports' are established facts. Part of this is because they are trained to present in a way that does not undermine 'victims.'

You can challenge any factual inaccuracies when you receive their report/letter. The hearing is an opportunity for you to set the record straight. My judge had little regard for the Safeguarding Letter. Submissions - paper and in person - on the day were much more impactful.
Sorry to read about your experience.

Try to remember that Cafcass advise, the Court decides. Cafcass can make their recommendations. In reality, they are batting a decision to the court. Highlighting decisions the court needs to make.

Their language often makes it feel like a decision has been made against you and that your ex's 'reports' are established facts. Part of this is because they are trained to present in a way that does not undermine 'victims.'

You can challenge any factual inaccuracies when you receive their report/letter. The hearing is an opportunity for you to set the record straight. My judge had little regard for the Safeguarding Letter. Submissions - paper and in person - on the day were much more impactful.
Thank you @Resolute that makes me feel better. At least she did say about getting my contact centre reports to the judge at the FHDRA which helps to undermine what the ex is saying.

All they have done is report what the social worker has said based on what the ex has said so she’s giving me third hand information 🤣

I’ve done a load of SARs and have a police NFA letter which help to undermine exs points. I know cannot be exhibited at the FHDRA but I’m hoping I can reference them in my position statement so the judge at least knows I’ve got them.
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Sorry to hear this jc. Is this the prelude to a full section 7. If it is then at least you'll be heard better as part of the process and the cafcass officer is unlikely to be the same person.

Did you record the call?

I think someone posted recently about there being a new measure where cases involving the type of allegations talked about here must go to a fact find. Which is a belly ache as it's just one person's word against the other with barristers coining it in for a few days...
If this gets brought up you can argue against it that the SW isn't a doctor and can't diagnose a mh condition.
Thanks @Peanut 21 I’ve reached out to my GP surgery this afternoon who said they can do me a letter for Court. It will cost, but at least I’ll have it.

Ex also told the police I get drunk and abuse drugs (more lies, I can’t remember the last time I had any alcohol and I certainly don’t abuse drugs) so I’ll get the GP to cover that in the letter to in case she mentions it at court.

I mean really, that’s a low blow eh! An ex ripping a child away from a father then accusing him of mental health problems! Who wouldn’t have depression after that. I’ve had treatment and been given coping strategies but I’d be more worried about dads who weren’t depressed if this were to happen to them.
Sorry to hear this jc. Is this the prelude to a full section 7. If it is then at least you'll be heard better as part of the process and the cafcass officer is unlikely to be the same person.

Did you record the call?

I think someone posted recently about there being a new measure where cases involving the type of allegations talked about here must go to a fact find. Which is a belly ache as it's just one person's word against the other with barristers coining it in for a few days...
Thanks @Roblox . Yes possibly if a s7 is ordered. It was just my first safeguarding call ahead of the FHDRA.

I did record the call. I didn’t ask but I have very little trust of the system so far I thought I’d record it for my own recollection more than anything else.

Yes, I recall something similar too. I think that was for NMOs though where physical violence has been alleged a court has to grant them based on a practice direction which says they can’t accept undertakings where there has been allegations of violence, or allegations of the threat of violence. My ex has alleged violence on her and my child and my barrister said the Court would grant an NMO as a result, and lo and behold, the court did. I did get it granted based on no findings or admissions though. Had I of contested it, it would have gone to a fact find and delayed the CAO case. My barrister advised to accept it which I did in the hope of avoiding a drawn out and expensive FF. To be fair, they got the term reduced.
If it goes to a fact find, the S7 is usually done after the fact find (from what I've seen). And there's still the opportunity to get the S7 undermined at fnal hearing, if it's biased or flawed (they are nearly always flawed somewhere).
It's odd the cafcass officer hasn't spoken with your ex first as they do in the vast majority of cases.

The positive (if there is one) is you now know the 'charges' and can get them knocked on the head as you've started to do.
It's odd the cafcass officer hasn't spoken with your ex first as they do in the vast majority of cases.

The positive (if there is one) is you now know the 'charges' and can get them knocked on the head as you've started to do.
That’s because ex apparently wasn’t available for the call but she did say she would usually ring her first.

Yes, I’ve been working through them. Some are just ridiculous/taken out of all context and I imagine it’s a case of just what she’s said with no evidence to support her claims.
I’ve done a load of SARs and have a police NFA letter which help to undermine exs points. I know cannot be exhibited at the FHDRA but I’m hoping I can reference them in my position statement so the judge at least knows I’ve got them.

See what others think, but I would file the NFA letter with the court prior to the FHDRA. Or at the very least bring it in triplicate on the day.

It is a balancing act. If you let the other side know in advance they will make up more nonsense to maintain their position despite NFA from police.
See what others think, but I would file the NFA letter with the court prior to the FHDRA. Or at the very least bring it in triplicate on the day.

It is a balancing act. If you let the other side know in advance they will make up more nonsense to maintain their position despite NFA from police.
Thanks. To be fair to the Cafcass officer she did say she would request it from the police. I’ve got a meeting with my barrister soon so I’ll raise it with them too. I agree though. One way or another I want the court to have it before the FHDRA (ideally along with those contact centre reports).
Had a CAFCASS call today prior to my FHDRA and thought I’d detail my own experience which was a deeply frustrating one.

CAFCASS officer starts by just getting background information, e.g. ethnicity and religious info and where I am living now.

She then briefly asked about how I could see future arrangements and if I am contacting ex at all. I have a NMO on me (didn’t mention this), but mentioned ex and I have set up a parenting app and that I have been on their website and drafted a parenting plan and also been on a few parenting courses.

She also asked about who my child is living with and how often I see them (in a contact centre).

She hadn’t spoken to ex yet, just a social worker that hates me and treated my ex’s word as gospel. The social worker told Cafcass that when she had spoken to me she thought I was controlling and that I had mental health problems (I’ve felt I was polite, but at the very start of the process before the great advice on here I raised some, in my view, legitimate concerns about my ex’s mental health).

The officer then basically regurgitated all of the social workers comments based on exs allegations e.g. child abuse, physical abuse to ex, financial abuse, controlling behaviour etc. I calmly denied them all and reiterated the desire to coparent and for our child to have happy homes with both parents.

She hadn’t got a copy of the NFA letter from the police either and I was given that weeks ago.

She asked if I had any safeguarding concerns with ex which I said no (seemed pointless to bring up her MH issues again).

The officer advised me to get a GP letter to take to the FHDRA showing no mental health concerns.

I asked if she would look at all the positive contact centre reports that I’ve had and she said she wouldn’t be speaking to the centre. She said she would request that the court has these for the FHDRA but I’ll take copies as I had no confidence she would do this.

I tried to detail all the things I did with my daughter but she cut me short. She basically said my case will probably go to a fact find.

She seemed disinterested throughout. First impression of Cafcass is very underwhelming.
Hi @JC83 what parenting courses did you do and where can they be found?? @Ash might be worth a sticky somewhere so they can be found by existing and new members easily?? TIA
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Hey buddy,

I did these via my local Council and they were free. I did a few parenting courses including Triple P family Transitions and a course on understanding children’s feelings.