Just wanted to come on here and say, Dads.. there are some good Cafcass people out there! Just had my call as I applied for a live in order for my son who i have looked after for 10 years and mum has not been in contact for 7 of those years now. My cafcass officer was really nice, i was very worried about them being mum biased but they weren't at all they understood everything i was saying and it sounded like they had made their mind up on things before i had even spoken to them like they weren't even shocked on some things i had said. I explained i didnt know if mum was even going to turn up to the hearing and they said they didn't even had contact details for her to call her today, they send a letter to the address they had asking for details and they heard nothing back, they also said in these situations its because the parent hasn't acknowledged the application, she may turn up still on the court date but she will then need to explain why she never acknowledged it. Looks like everything is coming together. After years of constant hesitation looks like something will go in my favour! Some cafcass officers really are there to help you as long as you stay calm and child focused on everything