Literally just at the end of my tether guys…we have to bite our tongues when have filed for divorce and living in the same house.
Women can say whatever they want, have a go at you constantly for the same things they do with the kids and make out like you’re a bad parent and you have to stay calm and quiet, rather than calling out a nasty hypocrite for who they really are!
I don’t care about moans, nasty comments and digs aimed at me, but when it’s about my parenting or questioning my love for the kids it’s unacceptable for me. It’s just not fair.
Really hate this and cannot wait till it is over…sadly the person I’m wanting to separate from is just a horrible, bitter and unkind character (even using kids as a weapon to try to get her ways which is the lowest…yet I am the way who has to stay calm and bite my tongue, even when these incidents happen in front of my kids