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Best way to serve NMO

Well that's ok then. If non mol is ended after final hearing you can have a good order with staying over time. As part of your statement and evidence for final hearing you can refer to the non mol (in terms of evidence etc as to why it shouldn't have happened in the first place). Assume it was one of those things where she just took it out when you hadn't done anything?
The non mol followed an argument in front of the boys that was recorded on exes phone during a handover. This was used as evidence for fact finding and judge therefore believed other false allegations.
That's a good reason to ask for an order where most handovers are to and from school, to avoid the risk of conflict between parents.
New NMO in force in childs town, in the hearing this week the judge said it will run for one year, yeah we need it due the the criminals we are dealing with.

however ex's solicitor did request to reserve costs and it was granted.
the judge explained to me, that if my allegations are proven to be false, then the ex can put in a application for costs
I got this NMO for protection of me and my family members, we know its the ex, you know its the ex,

because they havent been prosecuted becuase they send their freelance window breakers instead of themselves, will that mean my allegation will be regarded as 'false'... or still 'undetermined'....

im trying to preserve human life and property here?
I can't quite follow that! :) So the NMO for one year is against her? But as allegations not proven you may have to pay her costs if she can prove the allegations are false (I doubt she can do that). So presumably her allegations have been dismissed/found false - is that right?

What is happening with the Child Arrangements hearing now?
I can't quite follow that! :) So the NMO for one year is against her? But as allegations not proven you may have to pay her costs if she can prove the allegations are false (I doubt she can do that). So presumably her allegations have been dismissed/found false - is that right?

What is happening with the Child Arrangements hearing now?
yeah NMO against her stands for a year... no admissions etc... (no idea what that means).. they did ask for undertaking but i refused, i had valid grounds to refuse...

her allegations ... will be heard next month in a 3 day fact finding hearing, possibly consolidating my birmingham NMO application
- her allegations havent been dismissed yet...

does that mean i can apply for costs too for her NMO against me?? i never hired any barrister or lawyer, but i was arrested and questioned 4 times and attended a volountary interview once... no findings...

judge sitting at next months 3 day FF said last october that if there are no findings against me, direct contact will be reinstated.
off course theyre going to say they want another S7 report which takes another 9 to 12 months..... i hope there isnt another S7

what i do want though is CAFCASS assisted contact... my original request going back to Dec 2019, nearly three years ago!
I think it will help at the fact find, that you have an NMO against her for a year. My concern is Cafcass will see this as "conflict between parents".

Presumably you have to submit responses to her allegations for the fact find. We can help with that on here. And you'll be able to do a position statement for that hearing too. I think that will be quite important to keep a perspective on things - that this is all about preventing you seeing the children and you ask that further delays are minimised to re establish a proper relationship with your children. In it you can also suggest what you think will work. Eg asking for Cafcass to monitor an order being followed.
I think you could ask for costs if her allegations are not found to be valid, but this is more about getting a Judgement for future evidence than about any monetary recompense. If self repping your costs won't be anything like legal fees and it may not help the case if seen as hostile and isn't likely to be much of a deterrant to her if the costs aren't that hight. I think costs can only be awarded for legal fees (ie court application fees). But not 100% on that. It might be more of a time to try and get things child focused possibly.

You have been going on for a long time and have an ex from hell. This fact finding hearing will be an important step. The fact you have an NMO against her means your allegations have been proven.
ive already responded to her scot schedule like over 18 months ago... ... all denied.
next is the grilling binary type questions being fired at me next month.. it is handy to have your own sol or barrister in these hearings, guess i'll have to raise oppressive questions with the judge... there will be many trying to catch you out or incriminate you ... even if you are not guilty of the allegations being thrown at you.

her ex has withdrawn his NMO against her, guess he was either put up to it or he just isnt motivated enough to see this through
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