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Automatic letters are making the world a worse place


Experienced member
Hi everyone,

I wondered if anyone else has been in the same boat as me.

The amount of automatically churned out letters that are sent is crazy and cause unnecessary stress.

An example is I am currently having to pay £6000 for a trial due to my stbx's false allegations.
I received a letter on the 26th September saying my first payment is due on the 17th September. No one checks these things as it is automatically sent out without anyone even looking at it. The following day I'm sent a new letter asking for two payments in one go as the date has changed.

This causes stress and worry. But no one will take responsability for these things.

Then there is the Child Maintenance Service.... I received a letter to say they need my details so I did it promptly and all online.
The past 3 weeks I have been getting voicemail calls and two more letters telling me I need to send my information.
Each time I've called and they say "We are really sorry, we can see that you have uploaded your information".

As dad's we are most likely going through divorces as well as the hundreds of allegations and problems caused by our exes and do not need more problems due to people unable to do their jobs properly.
The main thing we all want is to prioritise our children.

I know I'm ranting but there comes a time where you want to just say, how much more crap are they going to send my way?
I think I have finally got everything sorted now and can priortise the next thing that needs doing.

Anyone else feel like this?
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I'm not entirely convinced you should be paying anything towards trial costs. That normally happens if you plead not guilty but are then convicted. Feel free to DM me the letter in confidence and I will be able to research further for you.
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I mentioned that on the other thread too. I'm not sure you should be paying anything either. Who are these letters coming from for the instalments on £6000? The solicitors?
Ok so legal aid have assessed you need to contribute £6000 to the cost of your trial then? Sorry I did see the other thread but must have missed the detail on the £6,000
It seems a bit odd to me that the CPS want to proceed to trial. They would normally need more than a tracker on the car to do that (a tracker might be indicative of coercive control if used repeatedly, but they would still have to prove that the behaviour had a serious effect on her and that you knew or ought to know it would). The trouble with coercive control is that a lot of what indicates a pattern is in itself innocent behaviour so it's only if they can accumulate enough examples that they could get a successful prosecution.

Did you give a police interview and answer anything other than "no comment?"

That said, it's not a well written law. "Adverse effects on the victim" can be largely made up by the false accuser by installing CCTV or faking self harm. There also seems to be a willingness by the CPS to pursue cases that won't stand up in court at the moment.
I have heard that a lot of things are being passed to courts by the CPS too.

This all kicked off when I was falsly accused of assaulting my stbx and slamming her to the floor. Where she said this happened didnt check out as I told the police I have CCTV round the exterior of my house. This ofcourse showed nothing happened. And suprise suprise stbx didnt want the CCTV to be taken. It was also very odd as on the night she was supposedly assaulted she was phoning me to come to her and talking to me saying she felt really poorly.
She has also made several different stories that all keep changing. All this whilst being unwell and suffering mental health issues.
On the same day she was making these allegations she was texting me saying she wished she could be with me and told the police she wanted me to come home.
I did not have a solicitor at this point as was shocked and wondered what the hell I was doing here.
This got followed up with NFA.

I think she did the injuries either herself on purpose or when she has had her falls and problems due to her medical condition.

Police decided to put in a DVPO as a safety measure, but when it went to court the following day they decided not to issue it so there was no DVPO. It was NOT granted to her.
Minutes of coming out of this non granted DVPO, she made an a new allegation I was harming my children. I had to attend a voluntary interview. This time with my solicitor. Less than a day later that was NFA.
Fast forward a few months and whenever she gets annoyed she will make more trouble. This has included calling the police becuase I was flying my drone. She said I would use it to spy on her. I was no where near the house and she seemed to know a lot about it but has never seen the drone.
The minute she heard the kids and I had fun out in the fields with the drone, she used that to punish me. Once again NFA.
She then got a non molestation order out which has made things really difficult for childcare.
At Christmas I received Christmas cards from her family and I phoned up her family to wish them a happy new year. This was twisted and turned into saying I was making threatening phone calls. Once again, total rubbish.
I've been reported for breaking the non molestation order and once again dragged through police interviews with my solicitor. This caused huge stress and anxiety. All for them to say no further action.

Due to al this, I started piecing up some evidence so ofcourse on my phone (which the police have got) there will be photos, cctv clips, and photos of evidence I found inside the house when I was allowed back there. If you go back any other time, ofcourse there is none of that. It was to try and figure out how my stbx suddenly got injured and what on earth was happening, creating a log of everything day by day. Notes I found in the house, syringes in the fridge, photos of everything I thought would be helpful.
There will be ofcourse be the aiirtag on the phone but as I have repeatedly explained this was for the safety of my wife and children after her recent suicide attempts where she went missing and driving my kids around when she could collapse at any point due to her medical condition.

There will then be plenty of messages between me and stbx when we could communicate asking what the hell is going on as one minute we were in Spain on holiday and then celebrating in the garden, getting the kids ready for school, and just signed up for having an extension on the house. Nothing made sense.

I did say a lot in the interviews as I had nothing to hide.
I'm not promising anything, but I doubt a jury would find you guilty provided that you can demonstrate all the above. The problem with the Police and the CPS is that their guidelines are awful and indicators that accusations are false are actually twisted in the guidelines to be possible cover ups. In fact, the guidelines are so obsessed with cover ups that I honestly think you have more chance ending up in court if you are innocent than if you are guilty. Consequently, the whole coercive control law seems to mostly be used as a weapon by abusers and the mentally ill to use institutions to abuse their ex-partners. Luckily, the courts are all too aware of that which is why the conviction rates for these offences in court are tiny (and the CPS should be ashamed of itself for that).

Also, I suspect a lot of the time false allegations are made by partners with something to hide. Once they've accused their victim, it becomes a lot harder for their victim to gather evidence on someone who is mentally unwell, an unfit parent, having an affair and planning to cohabit etc.

For what it's worth, I'm fairly certain Jay Blades is innocent too. His ex-wife was claiming he hit her at one point and when that didn't stick the disgusting attention seeker went for good old coercive control. I think when he's found not guilty, she should be forced to compensate him for lost earnings from the marital pot before division.
Anyone else had to deal with Marston Recovery?

They are the ones I’m having to pay each month for my court case trial.
I’m getting more and more peed off with them.
Yet another letter arrived today on the 9th October asking for payment on the 2nd October.
They obviously don’t check any letters and if they did then they would see the payment was made.
Sorry for ranting but this is another clear example of automatic letters being sent out.
Anyone else had to deal with Marston Recovery?

They are the ones I’m having to pay each month for my court case trial.
I’m getting more and more peed off with them.
Yet another letter arrived today on the 9th October asking for payment on the 2nd October.
They obviously don’t check any letters and if they did then they would see the payment was made.
Sorry for ranting but this is another clear example of automatic letters being sent out.
U thought they were a debt recovery type deal? I thought from your posts it was a payment plan you had kind of like a credit agreement?? I may has miss understood
I deallt with Marston, and yep I got letters even though all payments were made, I recall there was one adjustment which I found out through Marston and not legal aid, I challenged it and it got resolved