It sounds like a mesher order is a possibility, but presumably that would include spousal maintenance to help pay for the house, and presumably then you'd not have enough money to be able to afford to rent somewhere. I've heard of mesher orders where it says it ends if the ex remarries, but sometimes they get round that but just living with a guy permanently and not actually marrying them. Not sure if it could be worded to say if she "cohabits" with someone for more than a year or something. But have also heard stories where they pretend they're not cohabiting by the partner keeping their own house and going there occasionally, and claiming they live in separate houses.
Whatever option leads to living in different houses, I think you want to have a Child Arrangements order as a priority, otherwise it could take you a long time to get to see your kids. So if you could work out a plan for yourself, and apply for a CAO (if she won't agree to a consent order and it seems likely she won't) then you could do the divorce aspects later. If you have 50/50 shared care then there is no child maintenance to pay - even if you still end up having to pay spousal.
As I said I'm no expert on divorce, but what would happen if OP moved out, rented a 3 bedroom house and got a CAO for 50/50 for example and then the divorce financials came later? The fact that he's already renting and paying out x amount a month would presumably affect any decisions as to how much he needs to pay his wife.
And wushuguan, always bear in mind that any generous thoughts you're feeling now - in the future another man may live in your house and have a good income and you wouldn't want to be tied into some long term financial thing that leaves you short while they are living the high life. There is a lot to think about.
Presumably you can't afford to rent a 3 bedroom house AND pay all the costs on the current house. However, if the mortgage was remortgaged onto interest only, would that free up much? I believe your wife would also still be entitled to benefits - to help pay interest on mortgage and bills etc, if she wasn't working.
Whatever option leads to living in different houses, I think you want to have a Child Arrangements order as a priority, otherwise it could take you a long time to get to see your kids. So if you could work out a plan for yourself, and apply for a CAO (if she won't agree to a consent order and it seems likely she won't) then you could do the divorce aspects later. If you have 50/50 shared care then there is no child maintenance to pay - even if you still end up having to pay spousal.
As I said I'm no expert on divorce, but what would happen if OP moved out, rented a 3 bedroom house and got a CAO for 50/50 for example and then the divorce financials came later? The fact that he's already renting and paying out x amount a month would presumably affect any decisions as to how much he needs to pay his wife.
And wushuguan, always bear in mind that any generous thoughts you're feeling now - in the future another man may live in your house and have a good income and you wouldn't want to be tied into some long term financial thing that leaves you short while they are living the high life. There is a lot to think about.
Presumably you can't afford to rent a 3 bedroom house AND pay all the costs on the current house. However, if the mortgage was remortgaged onto interest only, would that free up much? I believe your wife would also still be entitled to benefits - to help pay interest on mortgage and bills etc, if she wasn't working.