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my solicitor is suggesting that i try arbitration as an alternative to court having been through 3 rounds of mediation with no real progress.

Is anyone familiar with this or understand the pros and cons?
My understanding is that it's similar to mediation but contracts are signed at the end so more formal.
If mediation hasn't worked I wonder if arbitration would?
It seems it's a better option in less emotional situations like contract disputes.
I did look something up about it once. There's an article here. I think the idea sounds good but I wonder if it could end up being more expensive. You both need solicitors throughout I think. So a money earner for the solicitor! If the arbitrator decides there needs to be a welfare report or child's wishes heard, it's talking about an ISW which is also expensive (2 to 3 k for the report). Also I think the arbitrator's decision is final. Unlike a Child Arrangements order which could be varied later - possibly. If you didn't like the final decision. That bit makes me a bit wary, along with the costs. The other thing is, both sides have to agree to arbitration. If the ex doesn't agree then no arbitration. It sounds a bit like a private family court proceedings. I'd be interested to know if a final order is variable or not, after the Arbitrator's decision. I suppose it might be a bit quicker.

This link makes it sound more positive - but then they are earning from it! My other concern is if an arbitrator is Mum biased (as some Judges are). At least with a final hearing, you could have a barrister fighting your corner and persuading a Judge with caselaw, if the Judge was a bit wishy washy. It does sound like a quicker option. Providing no welfare reports are asked for. I can't see many ex's agreeing to it if they get legal aid and free solicitors for court. Doesn't mention if legal aid is available for arbitration.
