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Alcohol - Tests??

Ive not had a date for FHDRA yet. My hair is very short. At the moment a 3 month will be dodgy as had a crap period through may and June....
If you have been good since the beginning of July, you should have a little over a centimeter of good hair at the scalp end . It takes a week or two for consumption to show in the hair. May and June will be approx 2cm at 1-3cm from the scalp.

This is not an exact science. Hair grows at different rates. But, if your hair is quite short, you need to protect the bottom - i.e. do not drink! You would also benefit from growing out and chopping off growth from May and June. It might make sense to do this with a few trims rather than one big cut taking off several centimeters.

Tests are by consent, you cannot be forced. However, refusal to test can justify the court in drawing their own conclusions. I suggest you offer to pay and insist that you have charge of test arrangement if testing is going to be ordered. If the accuser's legal team has control of instruction there will be dirty tricks. This happened to me, I had to overrule the order and take charge of arrangements myself. Testing was not in my ex's interests. Her side wanted all to be decided on mud-slinging.

PEth test period timing is more exact. You could do one now and one every 30 days from now. In 60 days you would have three months of the higher standard test. Industries that require sobriety use PEth over hair strand.
It also worth bearing in mind, the double standards - the ex can accuse you being an alcoholic - despite the diagnosis being a professional one. Yet you can't accuse the ex of being an alienator, as thats a professional diagnosis and you're not qualified to make it .... double standards.
That's gold. I'm going to use that.
It also worth bearing in mind, the double standards - the ex can accuse you being an alcoholic - despite the diagnosis being a professional one. Yet you can't accuse the ex of being an alienator, as thats a professional diagnosis and you're not qualified to make it .... double standards.
I had this ex stated I was an alcoholic but then later on said she drank when I did but when I raised that surly she's an alcoholic too if she drank with me .. It was tit for tat 😆
I had an issue with drink a few years back I was ordered everything, peth cdt, lf and hair stand to test up to 7 months.
I passed them all (social to abstinence)
I had a drink for my birthday 21 days before the peth was tested, hair came back clean.
Took 8 days to come back.
Try not to worry too much unless your drinking vodka or 2 pints every day you should be fine!
She paid for my tests as she is funded.
I also said I am happy to take any tests she wants going forward.
I also signed up to an alcohol service just to get a letter to prove I don't have an issue
hello. my STBE has been way over the top with her accusations of alcohol. i’m not drinking much at all now as it’s not worth it. couple of questions though. when you say 2 pints a day do you mean lager? i had a heavy June/July due to big celebrations and holidays. a much quieter period now and it’s staying that way. what is this alcohol service you’re talking about?
Under 7.5 units a day is ok.
cheers definitely the case for the last 6 weeks i’d say. potentially over that a bit but it was summer and i wasn’t expecting this tbf!! arsehole threw me a massive birthday bash pouring champers down my throat and bought me loads of booze for my birthday