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Alcohol - Tests??


Well-known member
So, one of the allegations that the ex has made is that I abuse alcohol (Am not drinking at all atm). I've read the various numerous posts around testing and I have a question. Given we split almost a year ago and it was just a general "abuses alcohol" statement with no specific examples as there arnt any, what type of test do you think might be asked for following our CAFCASS safe guarding call and the FHRDA?

I cant see the benefit of a 3 or 6 month one as she's not let me see the children for almost 5 hellish months, so perhaps a Peth test to see if i'm drinking at all now??


They could order a hair strand test as that can pin point dates but like you mention it seems that wouldn't be the point if she's not looking at specific dates etc.

Otherwise a hair strand test can look over a number of months to measure consumption etc. I.e. are you a high functioning alcoholic etc...

How long have you not drunk for?
Also have you ever been to your gp or anyone else in health profession about drink. If not you can get a letter from your gp confirming no history of such issues
This may seem an odd point but if they can take hair of the top of your head they can be more specific with dates etc. If it's body hair then it would just cover a period of time.

If you go for a hair strand test make sure they are certified under the court where you are situated.
To be honest unless you are a really big drinker it's all nonsense anyway as you can give an undertaking not to drink when you have the kids.

It's a pain as the tests can be expensive but if you can get out the way before court it will help if needed
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They could order a hair strand test as that can pin point dates but like you mention it seems that wouldn't be the point if she's not looking at specific dates etc.

Otherwise a hair strand test can look over a number of months to measure consumption etc. I.e. are you a high functioning alcoholic etc...

How long have you not drunk for?
A couple of months with the occasional blip at a weekend. Never had the need to go to the docs. Can take it or leave it. thx @Roblox as u say, no specific dates or incidents just a general "abuses alcohol" statement
My understanding is:

Head hair strand testing for alcohol is an overview for 3 - 6 months and does not detect use on specific times / weeks, it can only be segmented for 3 or 6 month periods.

Drug testing in hair can be segmented more accurately.

Some tests such as nail tests can be used for longer windows but are less accurate and are not used in preference of a hair strand test.

PEth blood tests cover around a month and are considered accurate however in reality how people process PEth varies widely (half life).

I'm going through something similar myself, my barrister has advised me that there have been recent successful challenges in court regarding the accuracy of hair strand testing, and the labs themselves always say they should never be used in isolation. So there is a risk of a false-positive, so resist if you can, basically.

I did a pre-emptive PEth test which came out fine (social drinking) but of course my ex claimed this wasn't enough, I have a bit of a history and expect I may get a 3 or 6 months hair test ordered along with another PEth test, I have also offered to do a few PEth tests in future which is a very reasonable offer, in my case I don't think it's really about alcohol and that may well be the case for you too. If you don't have a history it will be difficult to order anything more than a 3 month hair test and a PEth test at the same time, and even then you could argue that a hair test is disproportionate because you don't have a history and there are no specific incidents your ex can point to as evidence of a problem. Good luck.
I had an issue with drink a few years back I was ordered everything, peth cdt, lf and hair stand to test up to 7 months.
I passed them all (social to abstinence)
I had a drink for my birthday 21 days before the peth was tested, hair came back clean.
Took 8 days to come back.
Try not to worry too much unless your drinking vodka or 2 pints every day you should be fine!
She paid for my tests as she is funded.
I also said I am happy to take any tests she wants going forward.
I also signed up to an alcohol service just to get a letter to prove I don't have an issue
The judge will generally order for you to take an hair test and also a Peth test. Hair tests can be picked apart by your barrister. Everybody enjoys weekends when child free, go on holiday, weddings. Birthday parties etc. that’s not illegal and of no concern unless the hair shows chronic use for the whole of the 6 months. This is why they usually order a Peth as well as that shows the last month. If you abstain and you get great results then that proves you are not alcoholic. It’s simple really! I was ordered to do PeTH but not hair. Then when I passed that my ex then moved goalposts and wanted an hair test. Used this as an excuse not to allow unsupervised. So I carried on doing Peth tests voluntarily and then included the extra results in an urgent court order which the courts accepted.

Hope this helps 💪
So, one of the allegations that the ex has made is that I abuse alcohol (Am not drinking at all atm). I've read the various numerous posts around testing and I have a question. Given we split almost a year ago and it was just a general "abuses alcohol" statement with no specific examples as there arnt any, what type of test do you think might be asked for following our CAFCASS safe guarding call and the FHRDA?

I cant see the benefit of a 3 or 6 month one as she's not let me see the children for almost 5 hellish months, so perhaps a Peth test to see if i'm drinking at all now??

3cm of hair equals 3 months
6cm of hair equals 6 months
How long is your hair?

You can get a 3 month overview test for around £200 without report

How do you feel about bringing a clear 3 month test to the next hearing

Then it’s dealt with and it’s not impeding progress
So, one of the allegations that the ex has made is that I abuse alcohol (Am not drinking at all atm). I've read the various numerous posts around testing and I have a question. Given we split almost a year ago and it was just a general "abuses alcohol" statement with no specific examples as there arnt any, what type of test do you think might be asked for following our CAFCASS safe guarding call and the FHRDA?

I cant see the benefit of a 3 or 6 month one as she's not let me see the children for almost 5 hellish months, so perhaps a Peth test to see if i'm drinking at all now??

Another option is a liver function blood test from GP and PEth test for around £100
3cm of hair equals 3 months
6cm of hair equals 6 months
How long is your hair?

You can get a 3 month overview test for around £200 without report

How do you feel about bringing a clear 3 month test to the next hearing

Then it’s dealt with and it’s not impeding progress
Ive not had a date for FHDRA yet. My hair is very short. At the moment a 3 month will be dodgy as had a crap period through may and June....
Ive not had a date for FHDRA yet. My hair is very short. At the moment a 3 month will be dodgy as had a crap period through may and June....
That’s allowed, there’s still time.
Have you had the CAFCASS safeguarding call
just one thing to add , that people forget. The court is NOT interested in your past drinking behaviour , they are only interested in your FUTURE likely drinking behaviour.
It also worth bearing in mind, the double standards - the ex can accuse you being an alcoholic - despite the diagnosis being a professional one. Yet you can't accuse the ex of being an alienator, as thats a professional diagnosis and you're not qualified to make it .... double standards.
Sounds like you still have time
It could well be 4-6 weeks plus to your FHDRA
This time should be long enough to provide a clear Liver Function and or PEth test for the hearing if there is complete abstinence from alcohol.

Even cutting back to 14 units a week will mean a hair strand will be clear if ordered
Sounds like you still have time
It could well be 4-6 weeks plus to your FHDRA
This time should be long enough to provide a clear Liver Function and or PEth test for the hearing if there is complete abstinence from alcohol.

Even cutting back to 14 units a week will mean a hair strand will be clear if ordered
thanks, its just all so totally shit right now