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After the sealed order - new allegations and further dealings with solicitors

I applied for c79 enforcement in October 2023 and a MIAM wasn't needed or requested. I paid over the phone the day after submitting my application via email and got a hearing about a month after.

I had the same direct access barrister throughout basically the entirety of case, up until and including the final hearing, and she never said there was any need for MIAM for enforcement. She was quite good I should add.
Did your Barrister attend the C79 FHDRA? did you just forward on the Cafcass report to your barrister and turn up on the day? or was it a couple of visits?
I was specifically directed to seek mediation.

I had a directions hearing which was preceded by a Section 7.

There's nothing wrong with writing to the judge.
Did your Barrister attend the C79 FHDRA? did you just forward on the Cafcass report to your barrister and turn up on the day? or was it a couple of visits?
Yh, my Barrister attended the FHDRA and the actual enforcement hearing that was scheduled for about 2 weeks to a month later. She already had the Cafcass report by then since I'd made a point to hire her for the length of the case, which lasted 3 years.
okay so I have another MIAM - naturally and as predicted ex narc has not bothered to engage, so that is another £120 + £60 to sign it down the toilet, but is needed apparently for court, so I have another Cafcass call - now if anyone has any advice for this one I would love to hear it, I am sure that they by now have a picture from the last one so I am wanting some steer for this if anyone has, I really feel like just telling it as it is...
okay so I have another MIAM - naturally and as predicted ex narc has not bothered to engage, so that is another £120 + £60 to sign it down the toilet, but is needed apparently for court, so I have another Cafcass call - now if anyone has any advice for this one I would love to hear it, I am sure that they by now have a picture from the last one so I am wanting some steer for this if anyone has, I really feel like just telling it as it is...
I have a similar situation. Mum has ignored since final hearing and contact not started at all.
* I applied for enforcement and she put in a counter application for variation.
* Court ordered for a cafcass safeguarding report.
* During my cafcass interview, I focused on the child and how I wanted the child to have a loving relationship with both parents.
* Told cafcass all the allegations have been dealt with before and were just repeated.
* Had a gatekeeping hearing between cafcass and legal adviser with parties excused.
* Next was FHDRA with legal adviser, court was only interested in any allegations after final hearing and not false historical allegations that have been dealt with .
* Final order has not be complied with or Contact taken place at all, hence no new allegations and mum confirmed no new allegations.
* Mum insisted she won't comply unless her false old allegations are addressed again.
* Court adjourned for hearing in front of a judge and section 11L letter ordered to be completed by cafcass.
I have a similar situation. Mum has ignored since final hearing and contact not started at all.
* I applied for enforcement and she put in a counter application for variation.
* Court ordered for a cafcass safeguarding report.
* During my cafcass interview, I focused on the child and how I wanted the child to have a loving relationship with both parents.
* Told cafcass all the allegations have been dealt with before and were just repeated.
* Had a gatekeeping hearing between cafcass and legal adviser with parties excused.
* Next was FHDRA with legal adviser, court was only interested in any allegations after final hearing and not false historical allegations that have been dealt with .
* Final order has not be complied with or Contact taken place at all, hence no new allegations and mum confirmed no new allegations.
* Mum insisted she won't comply unless her false old allegations are addressed again.
* Court adjourned for hearing in front of a judge and section 11L letter ordered to be completed by cafcass.
hey there, quick question with your c79 did you put in a position statement to the court? I am just wondering if its a good idea?
My partner did a position statement when he did his C79. The ex didn’t and when they got to court the judge asked her why she hadn’t done a position statement. The ex said she didn’t know she had to and the judge said there had to be a position statement submitted before each hearing. She still didn’t submit one for most of the hearings and was pulled up on it each time.