I can PM you on that if you like. You've been here before and your daughter has been like this before - and you know it can wear off. Sadly the only way it can wear off is if she is either away from her Mother's influence, or the Mother is scared enough by the courts, to stop doing it. ie if a Judge gave her a roasting and told her if she doesn't stop it she'll lose residence.
You also know how happy and pleased to see you, your daughter was, when ex wasn't there. She has been told this and told to say this. My ex tried the same when my son was that age and he insisted I wasn't his Dad and Stepdad was his "real Dad". Because ex told him that. The difference was I was still getting normal time with him at home and he was still close to me, despite saying these things. I told him that wasn't correct and I am his Dad. He said no you're wrong because Mummy told me. In the end I showed him his birth certificiate and he then realised, sadly, that his Mother had told him something that wasn't true.