Not harsh at all Resolute I value your input and opinion given what you have been through yourself.I am so happy your little one saw you and your ex together acting normally. Mine would do anything to see that simple humanity between her parents. I do not think anybody is suggesting you should just throw things back in your ex's face. It is a case of not letting her blow smoke up your ass. If there is any substance to all she is saying it should lead to concrete change. If it does not lead to change, you need to be in a position where you can show it was empty words. Promises are free, she can give you an endless supply of promises.
Sorry if that sounds harsh, I was led down a very long garden path, that definitely feeds into my perspective on things. You know your situation best!
I know you could see how happy she was playing and just being herself saying mammy this daddy that no anger or hostility just her cheeky self and I do believe we both know that’s what she needs to see. She has made a lot of comments to social worker about us hating each other and us arguing etc which is not something I want her to be saying or going through.
And your right I do need to see concrete change which is what I’ll be expecting I just think given she has said we need to communicate better both of us then I’ll give her a chance to show me that she is serious over these next few weeks and I’ll speak to her again about certain things and moving things forward.