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Advice please


New member
Hi everyone first time poster here, me and my partner who live in the same house with 2 young children under 6, we have recently decided to seperate, we own the house together but neither of us are prepared to move out, myself I am willing to sell the house and split the equity which is a fair chunk of cash. I am more than happy to pay the bills for this house as I have done since we moved in and provide for my children like I have done all of their lives, my partner is determined to apply for child maintenance from me as well as universal credit as a single parent, but call it pride or whatever but while my children are living with me I wish to provide for them myself and also continue to pay to keep them safe comfortable and fed in this house. When we do eventually come to a living arrangement where my partner moves out with them as she only works part time and myself I work full time I am aware il have no option but to pay the child maintenance. I can prove I have paid for upkeep of the children and the house as long back as it goes. My partner is determined to recieve universal credit and child maintenance and is even going as far as moving some bills from our joint account to hers without my permission so she can claim a single parent allowance despite myself being involved in the day to day care, school runs , days out , meal preperation etc etc, does anyone have any advice on what I should do, thankyou in advance
Your ex could make a claim for more than 50% of the property. But, that should wait until arrangements for the children are resolved. The moves your ex is making suggest she may decide to make allegations against you. This would allow her to go for an Occupation Order and a Non Molestation Order. Probably with a series of other orders thrown in on Single Issues and/or Prohibited Steps.

Of course, your ex might be an upstanding person who would never dream of stooping so low. But, you are vulnerable to these moves.

does anyone have any advice on what I should do

1. Do not leave the property without a Child Arrangement Order
2. Record your interactions with your ex. Either diarise or carry a voice recorder off Amazon
3. Do Subject Access Requests from all of the services that are or have been involved with the children
4. Do not allow the status quo on your involvement with the children to change in her favour, if possible do more
5. If your ex is willing to agree reasonable arrangements for the children and/or finances, grab them! Make them official through consent order(s). When I say reasonable, I do not mean exactly what you want. I mean anything that isn't utterly outrageous. Your ex has the power here. If she decides you are too annoying to deal with she can make your life hell. A solicitor, a social worker, a GP, Women's Aid et al. Are all lined up to train her on how to make your life a misery.
you pay child maintenance if you have less than 50/50 care off the kids, based on percentage of wage.

Universal credit is up too ex to apply for as she sees fit.
Ensure you get copies of marriage certifiacte, birth certificates and passports.
As Resolute says once your STBXW is trained by the various folk your life could become a living nightmare.
I would also subject access the companies where bills have been changed to see if you can get info on what reasons were given.
Quickly build and reinforce your relationship with school and nursery.
Ensure all your future evidence is cloud based and if the police do beocme involved odds are your phone and other devices will be gone for months.

You need to quickly wise up and take these things very seriously.
P.s. when I was first given the type of advice I gave above, I thought I was different and that the people giving me the advice were wrong in the head.

you pay child maintenance if you have less than 50/50 care off the kids, based on percentage of wage.

Universal credit is up too ex to apply for as she sees fit.
Would this apply while they are all in the same house? Both parents live with the kids full time at the moment.
Your ex could make a claim for more than 50% of the property. But, that should wait until arrangements for the children are resolved.
Does this mean the financials will not be sorted until the children arrangements are sorted?