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Advice for Section 7 interview?


Well-known member
Hello Everyone,

I have my Section 7 interview tomorrow and was wondering if anyone has any advice for how to navigate it? Any questions to ask and any questions to definitely avoid?

How do I deal with the issue that during my time away from my children my ex has gotten with and moved in with a new man and is raising our daughters including our 5 month old who I have not even met yet as his own?

Thank you all
Hi. I think others have more experience of this but I’d suggest just be yourself and natural, keep things about the children and your relationship and/or commitment to them, don’t say anything negative about the ex. Say you are pleased the children have more people in their lives now ex has a partner and you accept they will have blended families as they grow up. You risk sounding jealous and negative if you raise ex having a partner as a concern.

One mantra to say is “I just want our children to have happy loving relationships with both parents and families.”
My main concern regarding the new partner is the fact that they either got together at the very beginning and this would explain all of her actions within court or she has moved in with this man within 2 months of our youngest daughter being born without really knowing him!
My main concern regarding the new partner is the fact that they either got together at the very beginning and this would explain all of her actions within court or she has moved in with this man within 2 months of our youngest daughter being born without really knowing him!
There is a lot written on the site about the S7, if you search you'll find loads to read up on and it is largely repetition of the same points.

You are the birth father regardless of how long the boyfriend has been on the scene or when he appeared, you are the birth father. It's probably best to not even mention him because it's not going to serve any purpose. Don't get involved with trying to explain her actions. try and bring everything back to the child and repeat the sentence that Ash has written out above. Drill the point home that you are only interested in your child having both parents in their life and two secure happy homes.

Stay cool, don't take the bait, hope it goes well mate.