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Access to health visitor notes


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Hi, when a father gets access to his child medical records, would this include the details in the child's health visitor notes? I feel there is information being kept away from me and would like to get some clarification on this,

Hi, when a father gets access to his child medical records, would this include the details in the child's health visitor notes? I feel there is information being kept away from me and would like to get some clarification on this,

Hi, I was only given the 2 year health visitor report via SAR in my case.
Infact, i was told the health visitor was on leave whenever I rang to speak to her. I made a lot of calls to the health visitor expressing my concern abt mum but they didn't care or get back to me.
Hi, I was only given the 2 year health visitor report via SAR in my case.
Infact, i was told the health visitor was on leave whenever I rang to speak to her. I made a lot of calls to the health visitor expressing my concern abt mum but they didn't care or get back to me.
How did you do the SAR , and to whom? I don't even know who the health visitor is
Hi, I obtained my son's medical records but no health vistor notes were in there this it will be like Emperor said request SAR.
My ex had social services come out to her from the school putting in a concern and I was wondering if I could obtain what the allegations were and any other details about what happened next.
I am fairly sure medical records wouldn't include health visitor notes. Yes you could do a SAR and that would be between you and the authorities so I don't think they would be informing your ex. However the Health Visitor might inform her if she was aware an SAR had been requested. I'm not entirely sure.

But - it can take a long time to get an SAR - some people are waiting for many months. Also if there were any issues with your ex, the health visitor would have reported it.

Medical records should show if the child has had all their vaccinations however.
I am fairly sure medical records wouldn't include health visitor notes. Yes you could do a SAR and that would be between you and the authorities so I don't think they would be informing your ex. However the Health Visitor might inform her if she was aware an SAR had been requested. I'm not entirely sure.

But - it can take a long time to get an SAR - some people are waiting for many months. Also if there were any issues with your ex, the health visitor would have reported it.

Medical records should show if the child has had all their vaccinations however.
I did a SAR for my child’s medical records via their GP and it did contain notes from the health visitor. Took about a month to get back if I recall.
Yes that's correct jabs were in my son's medical records and hospital letters which was how I found out about my son type 5 fracture on his finger and having to hide it whilst he was with me at weekends
To receive health visiting records this should be requested via health visiting service and they would direct you to applying for them via a SAR and they would give you the contact details for this.
They would then share relevant information for your child (if PR) they may redact stuff not relevant or viewed as safeguarding risk if shared. Other services such as GPs should not be sharing health visiting notes even if on the same system as it not their information to share.