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50/50 orders by region


New member
Hi, I’ve been lurking on here but was just wondering if any of you know or have an idea.

Are there any stats if the courts in certain regions tend to go for 50/50 orders. Or is this generally a case by case.

It’s so difficult to find this information due to Family Courts being private.

I was just interested as I’m going though this now. I’ve had the cafcass interview. Cafcass have a gatekeeping hearing with the judge middle of July.

Then the FHDRA hearing sometime in August. It probably makes no difference to my hearing but was interested to see if some judges are fairer and don’t have the ‘mother knows best’ mentality.

Thank you in advance
I'm not sure there's anywhere you'd find that information. Mainly it would be case by case really. However, 8 years or so ago I was told it was unlikely to happen in the north of England by a solicitor (the solicitor turned out to be wrong but it was the attitude amongst regional solicitors).
Thanks Ash. Reading through people’s stories, it seems wildly different in courts from when I was a kid. Where the mum automatically got full custody. I’m in the north and hoping for 50/50.
Thank you again
Don't ask, don't get :-) I think the priority, if possible, is "lives with both parents" even if it's slightly less than 50/50. Have you recently separated?
In January and not seen my kid since then. Since the separation I’ve not been allowed to see or talk. Been blocked on everything.
C100 was put in March. Ex has maliciously ticked every box on the C1A apart from violence and sexual abuse.
The cafcass letter came back and basically said no issues with allegations. Doesn’t require a fact find. But concerns over my drug use. I’ve never touched weed since I was 18 over 15 years ago. Looking into getting a drug test done before the hearing in August. May as well be prepared instead of waiting for the courts to order it.

This forum has been a god send I tell you. I didn’t say anything bad about ex at all to the cafcass officer. Think it’s quite obvious she making these allegations after the separation. Plus the advice on here helped me stay child focused.

If I hadn’t have read anything on here, I would have got caught up in the mud slinging too. Patience is key I think.
If the hearing is in August, that's not long away - not sure if you'd have time to get a drugs test done - but there are various different ones so others may know if there's a quicker one.