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2 kids, 2 moms


New member
Yep, not what I had in mind for myself, but 2 separate women took me for a mug, got their sperm donation and split

I have my 9yo 50:50, no issues

Haven't seen my 18mo for a year, my 9yo hasn't seen her brother in that time due to a vindictive ex

In terms of my clear capacity to co parent effectively and being an awesome dad to my 9yo, should this make things a bit easier going through cafcas and the courts?

I can't realistically be considered awesome (safe) in one parish and the devil (a risk to kids) in another?

Any common pitfalls in these sorts of cases?

I expect my most recent ex has her false allegations lined up, having already sold the dream to social services, conveniently forgetting that I had to move her back to her mums due to her abusive behaviours towards me and my daughter

Altogether a horrible situation, have taken the best part of a year to heal enough to consider court which I envisage in the next 6 months
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