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Parental Alienation case

Parental Alienation case 2021-08-14

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In this case (2021) the Father had residency after previous orders breached, including a shared care order, and because the Mother had had alcohol issues. But residency was transferred back to the Mother some years later and after many interventions with Guardians and Psychologists, because it was proved the Father was alienating the children from the Mother (who hadn't seen the Mother for two years and refused to go).

Unusual case but there is a lot of information in this case including case law and quotes about parental alienation. In particular a quote from Judge Macfarlane who is clear that it is a parent's responsibility to ensure a child goes and the parent can't hide behind things like the child saying they don't want to go.

Also unusual because ultimately the Father agreed that the children should go and live with the Mother. The case shows also how bad PA can be when children refuse point blank to see the other parent.

The point being that it is not just Mothers (although usually is) that can alienate children but it's usually the resident parent. Neither parent promoted contact with the other.

But there is a lot of info in here and case law regarding parental alienation and parental responsibility.

Click on the "Go to download" link top right to read the full Judgement.
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