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I'm awaiting judgement to come through following final hearing. Its been a difficult and long journey over 1.5 years in court. We are awaiting now the judgement.

However, to reduce a long story ex lied under oath at final hearing and proof of this has been sent to the judge after the hearing, following an intense battle between counsels, the new evidence has now gone through to the Judge.

Anybody else face this and any outcome in your favour?
I'm awaiting judgement to come through following final hearing. Its been a difficult and long journey over 1.5 years in court. We are awaiting now the judgement.

However, to reduce a long story ex lied under oath at final hearing and proof of this has been sent to the judge after the hearing, following an intense battle between counsels, the new evidence has now gone through to the Judge.

Anybody else face this and any outcome in your favour?
I always found that somebody lying through their teeth got absolutely no sanction from Family Court.
There might not be any obvious sanction but it might quietly influence the outcome. Judges will tread a fine line between being fair and not giving your ex room to appeal.

Incidentally, forget trying to pursue a criminal case. The evidential bar is high to reach. Just be glad to be rid of her on final hearing day.
No, I've not been in exactly the same situation but I'd agree with both Scotay and Unknown01.

Family courts don't really pursue perjury. What a judge will do is make a mental note of the credibility of both parties and s/he may comment on that credibility in giving their judgement.

I don't know what your ex's claim is but if it is something which might hang over you, you should think about how you want that handled in the Final Order.

In my case - and because the ex withdrew all her claims before the scheduled Final Hearing (which was a Fact Find) - the judge recorded that the Respondent had withdrawn her claims, was barred from bringing them before the court again and the court would treat them as if they never happened.
family court needs an overhaul from top to bottom. If you're a woman, you are believed and even if you are found out to be lying , nothing happens, dont comply with court order ? thats fine as well, most you'll get a severe ... letting off. Even worse, it's not the woman's fault she has lied or deceived, it was the mans .... the whole family court is rigged against , good, decent honest men.
family court needs an overhaul from top to bottom. If you're a woman, you are believed and even if you are found out to be lying , nothing happens, dont comply with court order ? thats fine as well, most you'll get a severe ... letting off. Even worse, it's not the woman's fault she has lied or deceived, it was the mans .... the whole family court is rigged against , good, decent honest men.
The biggest overhaul needs to be that there is a default court position of 50//50 when parents split.

The second needs to be outside court. Social Services nationally are a disaster. Every social sevices department needs a clear understanding of the Welfare Checklist and the differrence between expressed and ascertainable wishes.

And the third needs to be a clear understanding by all social workers that if a court order is in place then the child/ren need to go. There is no choice as to whether it not to attend by the child and for a resident parent to fail to promote a relationship between a non resident parent and their child/ren is a failure of their parental obligations.
Thanks all for this feedback. The issue in my case about this evidence relates to a denial by Mum against the ISW after they attempted to discredit her character and professional integrity as Mum and her legal team did not like all the positive reports and attempted to get them thrown out. Their bullying failed.