After a lengthy court process, numerous false allegations from my ex (including DV and Child Abuse) and involvement from Cafcass and ICFA I now have overnight weekend access every fortnight and 50% of holidays with my kids. This arrangement has been in place a year or so. My kids continuously express that they want more time with me but mom refuses. During court process she relocated so kids were too far away for me to get 50/50.
Question is we are now in a situation where kids have made multiple disclosures of mom shouting & swearing at them and even smacking them. SS have said they are experiencing low level abuse and there is not really a lot they can do besides monitor situation and offer support to mom (smacking is not condoned but not illegal). Mom has had some support from local early help team but continues to parent poorly. There are signs of emotional abuse and neglect but nothing substancial enough for SS to act at the moment. SS have suggested that I should exercise my PR to safeguard the kids (if I believe kids are afraid of mom or wish to change residence) but I am afraid to go back to court. Cafcass fell for all moms lies last time and even at final hearing the only time i saw/spoke with them was in the court room, they spent the rest of the day, with mom in her waiting room. It was only for ICFA involvement that I got decent access I think. I am working towards moving closer so I can get 50/50 so I don't want to lose what little access I have, but I can't sleep for worrying about my kids being poorly treated and not getting the childhood they deserve. I suffered silently for years at the hand of my ex, whilst rarely physically abusive she was very controlling and would constantly belittle and berate me, I know what she is like and I know the mental torture, if nothing else, she is inflicting on my kids.
What are the chances of Cafcass still siding with mom if kids have made multiple disclosures to SS and teachers that mom smacks them and can be 'scary' when she goes crazy? If I breach the order, keep the kids and apply for an urgent change of residence is it all going to backfire and end up with me getting less access than I have now?
Kids are 6 and 10 (boys). I live with my partner and our 2 young children.
Anyone been in a similar situation and exercised PR, not returned kids after access, and applied for an urgent change of residence?
After a lengthy court process, numerous false allegations from my ex (including DV and Child Abuse) and involvement from Cafcass and ICFA I now have overnight weekend access every fortnight and 50% of holidays with my kids. This arrangement has been in place a year or so. My kids continuously express that they want more time with me but mom refuses. During court process she relocated so kids were too far away for me to get 50/50.
Question is we are now in a situation where kids have made multiple disclosures of mom shouting & swearing at them and even smacking them. SS have said they are experiencing low level abuse and there is not really a lot they can do besides monitor situation and offer support to mom (smacking is not condoned but not illegal). Mom has had some support from local early help team but continues to parent poorly. There are signs of emotional abuse and neglect but nothing substancial enough for SS to act at the moment. SS have suggested that I should exercise my PR to safeguard the kids (if I believe kids are afraid of mom or wish to change residence) but I am afraid to go back to court. Cafcass fell for all moms lies last time and even at final hearing the only time i saw/spoke with them was in the court room, they spent the rest of the day, with mom in her waiting room. It was only for ICFA involvement that I got decent access I think. I am working towards moving closer so I can get 50/50 so I don't want to lose what little access I have, but I can't sleep for worrying about my kids being poorly treated and not getting the childhood they deserve. I suffered silently for years at the hand of my ex, whilst rarely physically abusive she was very controlling and would constantly belittle and berate me, I know what she is like and I know the mental torture, if nothing else, she is inflicting on my kids.
What are the chances of Cafcass still siding with mom if kids have made multiple disclosures to SS and teachers that mom smacks them and can be 'scary' when she goes crazy? If I breach the order, keep the kids and apply for an urgent change of residence is it all going to backfire and end up with me getting less access than I have now?
Kids are 6 and 10 (boys). I live with my partner and our 2 young children.
Anyone been in a similar situation and exercised PR, not returned kids after access, and applied for an urgent change of residence?